Sunday, August 25, 2024


There's nothing better than a good scandal to make genealogy a bit interesting. helped me find some good ones as I was doing some broad surname searching. Not quite sure how this one fits in my family tree, but the family gossip must have been intense! In a nutshell: Carrie Wisler Swain, wife of Samuel Swain, was an actress in the 1870s. She married Mr. Swain in San Francisco in 1875 but was deserted by 1881. He had convinced Miss Swain, with the help of his doctor, that he needed to travel to the Bermudas to recover from an illness and would need half of her weekly salary -- $40 a week -- to live there. After traveling to New York, she learned that there had been several sightings of Mr. Swain in the city and connecting the fact that she would send her money to New York; she soon discovered that he had been in New York all along, living as man and wife with another woman on her salary!
While that one is a little more distantly related -- if at all -- to me, this one is just a few generations back. My third great uncle. It was never discussed in my family until I started doing research, and then my grandma in a quiet whisper shared a little about this saga with her great uncle:
This is one of many newspapers covering the event. And while I have many of the court documents around the trial, the newspapers articles make it all the more interesting.

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